Bus Shedule Margaon Palolem Goa
Indien,  Reisen

Timetable: Bus Timings between Margao and Palolem/Patnem/Chaudi/Mopa

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Bus Timings between Margao and Palolem/Patnem/Chaudi/Mopa

Many tourists want to travel from Margao (also written Madgaon / Margaon) to Palolem or Patnem Beach by bus but aren’t able to find the bus-shedule anywhere.

At Margao or Canacona bus stand you can request the times from the counter. But in Palolem hardly anybody can tell you any departure times, not even the travel agents. The reason is that the bus timings can be found on the busses only. And then it’s only the schedule of that specific bus.

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Zuletzt aktualisiert am 13. Dezember 2023 .

As I’m living in Palolem since long time, I started noting bus times of busses passing by. Later I started noting the timings painted on the busses.

Calculate about 90 minutes for the drive (depending on rush hours). Please note that time doesn’t mean much in India. Also the bus might break on the road and you will have to wait for the next bus (happened to me several times!) or there might be an accident on the narrow road.

On some rides you might need to change the bus in Canacona (Chaudi). So if you need to catch a train or flight, calculate unexpected events in your timing.

Advice: Don’t let the Rikshaw drivers in Margao fool you if you arrive by train! If you travel with luggage, ask them to drop you at KTC bus stand which is little bit more far from Margao train station.

The benefit is, that the bus is parking there before daparture. You can put your luggage in the drivers cabin and get a seat before the bus will be crowded with people. Fruits, snacks, nuts and soft drinks are sold at the KTC bus stand at day time.

 +++ Please respect time and effort of collecting these details. Don’t copy & past but feel free to share the Link! +++ 

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Bus from Margao (KTC) Bus Depot to Palolem Beach

KTC = Kadamba Transport Corporation bus stand/depot

Departure Margaon to Palolem (direct)
07.35 / 08.05 / 08.30 / 08.35 / 10.05 / 11.45 / 12.10 / 12.20 / 13.25 / 14.15 / 14:55 / 15.15 / 16.25 / 16.55 / 17.10 / 18.05 / 19.15 (last departure!) / more busses might be available!

Advice: If you don’t get any of these busses, take a bus to Karwar (Karnataka) and ask the driver to drop you at Chaudi/Char-Rasta (2 km from Palolem). From there you can take a Rickshaw (abt INR 120).

Departure Margaon to Karwar
6:00 (AC) / 6:30 / 7:00 (AC) / 8:10 / 8:25 / 9:00 / 9:40 / 10:00 / 11:10 (AC) / 11:30 (AC) / 11:50 / 12:00 / 12:10 / 12:30 (AC) / 13:00 / 13:45 (AC) / 13:55 / 14:00 (AC) / 14:40 (AC) / 15:10 / 16:00 / 16:45 / 17:10 / 17:30 / 17:40 / 18:00 / 18:30, 19:00 (AC) / 20:00.

AC = air conditioned

Bus from Canacona (Chaudi) to Palolem Beach

Departure Canacona
11.00 / 11.30 / 12.15 / 13.00 / more busses available!

Bus from Palolem to Margao


Departure Palolem
06.30 / 06.55 / 07.45 / 09.30 / 10.15 / 10.25 / 11.00 / 11.30 Chaudi only (doesn’t go Patnem) / 12.05 / 12.20 / 14.10 / 14.30 / 15.00 / 15.45 Chaudi only / 16.10 / 16.40 / more busses might be available!

⇒ Most Busses drive via Patnem but some won’t.

The following timings I noted by passing busses, so they might have been delayed or empty busses going to Chaudi, so don’t depend to much on them, they might be wrong!
07.15 / 08.40 / 10.40 / 12.40 / 13.30 & many more!

Bus from Canacona (Chaudi) Bus Stand to Margao

Bus Palolem-MAO

Departure Canacona
5:50 / 6:20 / 6:30 / 6:50 / 7:05 / 7:10 (AC) / 7:30 / 7:45 / 7:55 / 8:00 / 8:10 / 8:15 / 8:35 / 8:50 / 9:35 (A/C) / 10:00 / 10:10 / 10:25 / 10:30 (AC) / 10:40 / 10:50 / 11:20 / 12:15 / 12:20 / 13:15 / 13:30 / 13:45 / 14:30 / 14:45 / 14:50 / 15:10 / 15:25 / 15:30 / 15:50 (AC) / 16:16 / 16:50 / 17:05 (AC) / 17:15 / 17:30 (AC) / 18:00 (AC), 18:30 (AC) / 18:35 / 19:00 (AC)

AC = air conditioned

Bus from Canacona (Chaudi) Bus Stand direct to Dabolim (south Goa/GOI) Airport

Departure Canacona
There are 4 busses going directly from Chaudi to the Goa Airport: 06.30 / 08.50 / 13.30 / 16:15

The ride will take about 90 minutes or more, depending on traffic. You will be dropped at the street in front of the airport. There won’t be any Trolleys until you reach to airport entrance. Cost abt. 80 INR (2019).

Otherwise take a bus from Palolem to Margao KTC first and inside the bus stand go to the Express/Fast Bus Counter and get a ticket from the counter. That bus will pass the Goa International Airport. You will be dropped at the side of the street in a very short walking distance to the airport. The busses depart very frequently from Madgaon as they usually depart when all seats are taken and don’t take any additional passengers on their journey.

That’s why you can only use this option going to the airport, but not in the opposite direction.

Bus from Madgaon Bus Stand direct to Mopa Airport (north Goa/GOX)

Departure Madgaon to Mopa
Since the opening of the new northern Goa airport MOPA there are air conditionned busses going directly from Madgaon central bus stand to Mopa at INR 400 per person: 4:00 / 6:00 / 8:00 / 10:00 / 16:00 / 17:00

Bus from Canacona (Chaudi) Bus Stand to Agonda

Departure Canacona
07.10 / 09.00 / 16.10 / 17.40 / 18.00

→ The busses are passing Agonda but not going inside of Agonda Village.

Bus Ticket Prices and Price List

As a tourist the chance of getting cheated on bus rides all over India is very big. Once I travelled in Kerala and asked the (indian) guy next to me, how much he payed for he ticked and it was half of my price. He was very surprised and asked me why I had to pay more and I just pointed at my white skin…

In many busses you wont find the price list or they will tell you it’s an old list. They lie to you with a big smile! The locals pay 10 Rupee from Palolem to Chaudi market so don’t pay more then this (01/2019).

On many busses all over India you will get a bus ticket. But on the bus between Margao and Palolem you won’t. The best way to pay the conductor is if you have the exact amount of change. It will safe you the hassle. Many times they won’t have any change and you will get your change after other travellers have paid with smaller notes. Don’t worry, they usually won’t forget you. They lie about the prices but they will usually give you the correct change at least when you are leaving the bus.

This list was valid untill 03/2017 but they usually charge 40 Rupes (01/2019) to Margao:


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